Tuesday, March 11, 2008

a picture to brighten up this place

so i know i am slacking a little but i felt like my blog needed a fabulous picture to brighten it up a little while i am running around tonight making healthy pasta for old people.... i know that doesn't make sense but it would if you had my job :0)

this picture reminds me of summer, why? because the fourth of july is by far one of my favorite holidays! For the past 6 or 7 years of my life my friends from high school and I have gathered on the 50 yard line of our high school football field to watch the fireworks. it is a beautiful thing for many reasons- mostly for me it's brings us all together- no matter where we are in our lives- this brings us together. it's amazing to see how we have all changed and at the same time remained the same in each others eyes.

i promise to write again later- right now the grocery store is calling my name!

1 comment:

sierra said...

Oh, I LOVE 4th of July too! It's my dad's birthday, so they always have a big party. Sigh... I can't wait until summer! The weather is teasing me into thinking it's almost spring. I should know better!