hubby and i were talking last night... you remember hubby right?
Just in case you didn't- which i know you all do, if nothing else the picture was just another excuse to put a cute picture of D in my blog :0)
So we were talking last night about the future- about a house, possibly a dog, some new plants, and kids.....wait did i just say kids? Yes, it is true we actually had a conversation about kids. So then of course the discussion moved to when, when should we start trying, how long will it take, how do we know if we are truly ready? All of these questions were discussed- good answers emerged and of course there are always some questions left lingering. There is no way to know if you are every truly ready. Darin and I still enjoy going out and having fun but we have slowed our going out down quite a bit over the last year. And there are of course other signs as well that point to being ready to have a baby- I feel like i am completely ready- physically and mentally, it is at times all i think about. Darin has also began talking about our future with kids- whenever we see a baby in the store, or hold one of our friends babies we can't stop smiling.
We did decide however to hold off for just a little while longer- there are still a few things that need to fall into place before we start TTC, and because i am a list freak here is a list of things we would like to do before we have a baby...
- buy a house: we have had our eye on one house in particular- it keeps going down in price and we are hoping it keeps going down- we will have to re-visit it at the end of summer and see what is what on the house front
- hubby wants to switch his job: he is VERY unhappy with his current job. the economy is not great right now- because he is a car salesman he makes most of his money off of commission. If people don't buy cars he doesn't make any money which creates a lot of stress for him as well as our bank account. he has his eye on a couple of opportunities so keep your fingers crossed! and of course if anyone has any employment ideas please feel free to throw them our way!
- we would like to have some money saved up- i know that everyone always says you will never have enough money- which is completely true- i know that now more than ever. so if we can have some sort of backup in our account before we have kids we will be able to feel a little bit more secure just in case the unexpected were to happen
So i bet you all are wondering where my TMI comes in right? Well as i was talking to hubby about TTC we realized that we really can't TTC if i am still on my BC (birth control). Now from the beginning i have always hated taking birth control. I have been on it for only 3 years but i feel that is plenty- we have been thinking of stopping the BC for a while now but have been kind of nervous to do so. we would be absolutely ecstatic and overjoyed if we got pregnant but we know that it is best if we wait until the time we agreed to start TTC. So we began researching natural family planning- which is pretty much like charting your temps and getting to know your cycle so you know which days of the month you are most fertile. I love the idea of this method because it allows me to get to know my body better- this will definately help us when we begin TTC. I also like it because i really don't want to be on BC any longer- i just don't feel the same when i am on BC- i feel it truly does mess with every hormone in your body!
So i have been researching like a mad woman about this method and i am still kind of nervous about it- i know it is not %100 percent effective but then again what method of "BC" is? Has anyone tried this method before and found it effective/ ineffective?
Sorry again if this is TMI- i just need some opinions from you lovely ladies out there :0)
I promise to return to Wordless Wednesday next week- there were just too many words floating in my brain to not write them down! :0)
Congrats on going off BC! That is an exciting step, someday I'll be ready for it but until then I can cheer you on.
Just remember, like we said at the GTG...."family planning" is the form of BC that families with 9 children used. Seriously, it's not effective, so make sure you are actually ready if it happens. It sounds like you are! :)
What a cute hubs you have!
We used the charting method both to get pregnant and to avoid for several months. It will probably be helpful for you to have a few baseline months of charting while using a barrier method so that you know what your cycles are like. I found it to work well as long as I temped at the same time each day (and here's your TMI right back - I temped vaginally b/c it was more accurate for me). And, when avoiding, we were always extra cautious around the time when I would usually ovulate - we would only NOT use a barrier at the beginning or very end of my cycle after I was sure I had ovulated.
Good luck!!
How come your list didn't include you establishing your career (and finishing school)? Just curious!
oooh- totally should have added that to my list- thanks molly!
i do want to finish school and since i finish in december that won't be an issue- as far as a career we will see what happens! i feel i can hopefully do both- that is my plan anyways!
thanks for the awesome comments girls! keep them coming!
The joke I always heard was this: "What do you call people who use family planning?" ("I don't know, what?") "Parents."
That said, I never tried it. But I do know I was off BC for about two weeks before I got pregnant, so ... like Julia said, just make sure you're ready! :)
Natural family planning is actaully very different than temping. A great book to read is "Taking Charge of your Fertility".
Here's my TMI. I'm off of BC and currently take my temps. It's been 4 months and we've been using this method to prevent pregnancy. It's amazing how well you begin to know your body and when you are the most fertile. Before my period comes, I just **know** I'm not prego.
And the reason we are doing this is because we want the freedom to jump into baby making mode at any moment. No need to worry about my body getting back on track or anything.
Good luck with your decision :-D
What Andrea said. :) She and I chatted about this at our GTG last week, and I've been doing what she's doing, for two months. It really is fascinating, and very reliable. I highly recommend Taking Charge of Your Fertility.
Being off BC is GREAT, let me tell you!
I echo the congrats on getting off of BC! My wife and I have used Natural Family Planning (NFP) for 20 years, and we have successfully used it to both avoid and achieve pregnancy.
Most naysayers out there have never even used it. The fact is NFP has been proven in many studies to be 99% effective--as effective or more effective than various forms of BC.
If you really want some good info on NFP, check out CCL's website at:
Good luck!
Well hey, if you're ready to take the leap, then more power to you!! I think it would be nice to get of BC (though I love my Nuvaring (TMI!))and really get to know my body and how it works like that. But, I am NOT okay with any accidents right now, so I'll stick to my altered hormones.
That picture of your hubby is cute. And it's great that you two can talk rationally about this!
Free instruction on all the fertility signs and their rules plus the Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding can be obtained via the online NFP how-to manual (100 pages) at Regarding effectiveness, the researchers of an excellent German study last year concluded that the Sympto-Thermal Method can be learned from the printed word and is as effective as the birth control pill. It is 99.6% effective when rules are followed. Sheila, volunteer for NFP International
harmony, you have your whole like to become a mother but only one chance, until you start having kids, to just be a two-some. you're 22 and have many fertile years ahead of you :) be really sure you are both really ready for kids before you get of your birth control.
I've been doing NFP for 1+ years successfully and what everyone says about TCOYF is true. it's a great book that EVERYONE should read, not just couples doing NFP. I also have some other tricks up my sleeve, if you're interested!
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