i just wish that things would start going our way- i mean, we have had A LOT of bad news in the past couple of days- things i cannot blog about now probably will when it is all said and done. i want to feel like our life is going forward- i hate the phrase " one step forward, two steps back"- why is that fair? sometimes i just don't get how life works- or how the things that happen to us could possibly happen- isn't their a limit as to how much two people can handle and take on?
well i am trying my best to put myself in good spirits- tonight D and i are going out to Benihana's- I LOVE BENIHANA'S!!!! We are actually celebrating our 6 month anniversary- we have been married 6 months! can you believe that? i can't - it seriously feels like i just walked down the aisle a month ago! i look overall at my life and realize that even though i probably don't have everything i have always wanted (who does) does not mean that hubby and i won't get there- we will build a great life together- we have already started! i look at our small apartment, ever mounting pile of bills, and of course our hectic work schedules and i realize that it won't be like this forever- something is bound to change. If there is a Valentine Fairy could you just do one thing for me? Bring us some luck- some positive change,- show us a sign in the right direction, please? this is really all i can ask for- and i sometimes even feel selfish asking for things- but i feel like what we need right now more than anything is support- support to get through all of this crap so we can move on to better things. i know it will happen somedays i just get really tired of sitting and waiting, ya know?
well girls i am off to work- then off for some fabulous hibachi- leave me kind words- D and i could both use them right about now!
Have a wonderful Valentines Day with your significant others- i leave you with a picture of me and my love- i encourage you all to do the same- look at the happy times because life can't always be what you want it to be- it is important to remember what brought you here and what will bring you through- trust me it helps! :0)
Oh hon, I'm sorry to hear you are having a rough couple of days! Just remember you aren't given anything you can't handle - you and D will face much more adversity in your lives, and little battles like this will prepare you for those. Chin up young person (to quote a good Jennifer Aniston movie) and remember that though the news may be bad, there is likely something really positive that could come of it, you just have to look for it.
Oh yeah, and email me. :0) we could go for martinis- my treat!
I'll send you some good vibes, sorry things suck right now!
Hey sister, You know you can count on me for anything. And if you need me to take down Whiskey Tango and her bitch fest you just say the word. You know how I love trampling all over someones parade-o-bitch. ;) Whiskey Tango just needs a bitch slap back to reality, and rest assured I'm just the bitch to administrate that slap. ;) Causing problems for my sweet Harmony, HELL NO you did not just cross that line! AGAIN!!!
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