Monday, February 25, 2008

random monday

hello all! sorry i have been a little absent- it was quite the weekend and it turned out to be quite the monday! lots of things due in my history of psych class and definitely not enough time to get them all done! so today will be kind of a random list.... tomorrow there will be more coherent things posted.....probably :0)

i went out this weekend to rascals for happy hour- $1 dollars taps from 3-9pm....yeah lets just say my night ended early- like 9:00 early but all in all it was very fun and we had a great time :0)

D and i have been practicing our swing dancing for our upcoming lesson at Carroll College this Friday- we are so psyched! this swing semester will be awesome! teaching is definitely a passion for us- and how couldn't it be when that is how we met and fell in love? :0)

i have two papers due by the middle of the semester (which is scarily right around the corner!) one is 5 pages long on cloned food (for my environmental science class) and one is for my history of psych class- 10 pages on Freud- :0( that is one long paper. these are the times i am glad i am good at bs :0)

in about another 4 months D and i should be almost completely paid up with our bills- that my friends is the best feeling in the world! after that we can move on to more important things in life- a house, kids, and of course just enjoying each other- not like we don't do that everyday <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">this is me and hubby's unbelievably talented and slightly big boned kitty dexter dressed up in a space suit- yea he was mad :0)

i love this picture- i really think it captures dexter's love for the costume- peta doesn't have this blog site do they?

this is dexter trying oh so desperately to escape this suit- doesn't he just look defeated?

this is how wonderful my husband is- he got us into the penguin exhibit at the zoo so i could pet the penguins! this is what he likes to call my duck face- why duck face i have no idea- don't i look awesome with penguins?

enjoying myself in all that is penguin :0)

my fabulous dance moves julia! :0) what were we doing?

and finally my one and only shot of the night- this is the face i make- very elegant! :0)
happy monday everyone! <3


Julia Goolia said...

Ha ha ha. LOVE the kitty costume and dance moves. And the bitter shot face:) Too cute!

sierra said...

Oh that poor cat! ;)

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, well one day i'm gonna have a pet penguin living in our house!!!

Anonymous said...

i apologize now for what i might say about that space suit costume the next time i've had a few...

when i show nick he'll probably ask if they come in adult sizes (or he'll just use it as a cozy!!!---haaaaa!!!)

Miss Sass said...

lol, i love you!!! I like the duck face ;) it's sexay!!! lol.

p.s. Switch my blog to the new one. :( It's wrong on yr web page