Wednesday, February 27, 2008

the first step is to admit

so i have been thinking lately about an addiction that i have- one that probably many of us share- not just in the blogging community but probably throughout the world- yes this addiction is that big! to accurately depict my addiction i will give you none other than an ecard, why? because they are so damn funny and say exactly what i need to say....

yep it's true guys i have a facebook addiction. my dear husband and i have the below conversation weekly, if not daily- why? because i am obsessed...

me: did you get my facebook message?

d: no, didn't go on facebook today- why what did it say?

me: that's the whole point of going on facebook! if your not going to check your wall then i'm not going to write on it and i'm sure as hell not going to tell you what i wrote! And what's with your profile pic? i mean seriously babe it's time to change that picture!

d: uh huh..... have you ever learned about the signs of addiction?

me: your point?

yea so that is the convo very regularly around the dubinsky household- i love facebook- i can't go a day without checking it at least 2 times! i will even get up early to check it- if i work at 6am i get up a couple minutes early just to check my facebook. is that so wrong? all of my friends are up there- their info, what's going on ie status, pics, fluff friends, and of course happy hour- now i know they aren't real drinks but isn't it awesome to get a drink from a friend?

yea i need help..... but in all honesty facebook is a very useful tool. i not only use it to see what's going on with all my friends but i also use it for school. now your probably all thinking- "school? what is she smoking!" but i'm serious! if i need to get a hold of one of my classmates i know i can get a hold of them quicker on facebook- if i need someones phonenumber? facebook! it all leads back to facebook!!!

so i invite you all of my wonderful blog readers to join facebook if you have not already- and if you have please do not hesitate to look me up- i am always looking for new facebook friends :0)

tonight is soup night- d and i looooooove potato dumpling soup- after our hectic, crazy, stressful week we definately need a soup night. and because i love to punish myself i will be making it from scratch- real potatoes, real dumplings- the whole nine yards! i think i might even post that recipe because it is just sooooo good. and if i am not in a soup induced coma by tomorrow i will be back to blog more :0)


Julia Goolia said...

good use of some Ecards!!

I just started Facebooking a month or so ago. I'm not sure how to look you up but my name is Julia Bultmann Hornung, if that helps for you to find ME. I'm more addicted to blogging right now mostly b/c FB is still overwhelming. We'll see though.

Molly said...

yes, please post the recipe!

Miss Sass said...

I love you!!! I too am slightly addicted to facebook. You know, if you get rid of the slightly part. ;)

That recipe is my great grandmas. My mom doesn't even know how to cook it!! Big family secret recipe. Yr my sister, you can know it. I will beat you if you post that recipe on blogspot. Seriously I will smite you with little flamingo shaped lightening boltz (cause that's how my family rollz).