Sunday, December 23, 2007

all i can think about when it comes to christmas...besides the green bean casserole

so here i am, the night before Christmas Eve slaving away in my kitchen making quite a spread of delicious side dishes. you see, side dishes are my thing- i don't deal with the main show- the turkey, or the ham, or even the desert- the pumpkin pie, pecan pie or anything like that- just the side dishes- because without side dishes- where is the meal? everyone LOVES a good side dish. So hubby and i have been busy in the kitchen making sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, and of course his sisters amazing cheesy potatoes (which are sure to put on the pounds) for my mom's house tomorrow. it was a struggle but we finally figured out a schedule for the holidays that makes everyone happy- xmas eve at my mom's and xmas day at his parents. this way no one feels as if they have spent less time with one side of the family or another- all in all it works out pretty well.

so now that all the side dishes are done (or at least my dear husband is still working hard :0) i turn to my blog- my sidekick in banter and strange tellings- because lets be honest some of the things i write about must make no sense whatsoever- but that is why my loyal readers read, no?
i guess what i really wanted this post to be about friends- true friends, friends that are there for me through everything. i have found throughout the past two years that the definition of friendship is not what i thought it once was. a lot has changed in my life and therefor the people who support me and love me for me have also changed. i guess what i want to say is thank you to these people- we've shared a lot- good laughs, drinks, stories about the in-laws, long car rides to nowhere (or at least when we were lost:0), long talks at night- about everything we had to do and how there isn't enough time to get it done, bitch fests, uncontrollable fits of crying- about nothing and everything all at once, weddings, the birth of a special newborn :0)- these are things we have shared- these are things that have changed our lives forever- things i wouldn't take back for the world. the past two years of my life have been in constant change- i have lost but i have gained so much more than i ever bargained for. i have found myself and found others who respect that, respect me and love me unconditionally- this post is for you.

so on this night before the day before christmas (are you confused yet? lol) i wanted to let you all know how much i am thinking about you- how much you mean to me, and how much darin and i both appreciate all of you.

well enough said, if i don't write again before the holidays it is probably due to a food induced coma- when i recover and i can roll myself to my computer chair i will once again be writing to you from my life as a dubinsky...dun dun dun!

okay so that was dramatic...... merry christmas!




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