Monday, December 10, 2007

random things from the weekend and beyond

okay, so not like you guys are remotely interested in my weekend- but i thought i would share with you anyways- why you ask? well because this blog is entitled The New Mrs Dubinsky- seeing as i am the new Mrs Dubinsky i figure this blog should probably be mostly about me- conceited? i know :0) justkidding- but i really will tell you about my weekend

so i started by weekend off right by having off on friday- let me tell you- for those of you who have not taken a day off in forever- TAKE A DAY OFF!!!! not only do you deserve it but it makes you feel absolutely fabulous. all day i watched investigators- true crimes and the people who catch the criminals. after being scared about said criminals and crimes i switched to something a little more light hearted- yes, you guessed it re-runs of america's next top model. then i moved on to a movie i love- maybe just because of ashton kutcher but none the less- i watched A Lot Like Love- absolutely fabulous. i ate ice cream right out of the carton and proceeded to make myself a wonderful bowl of ramen noodles. yes friday was good, very good :0)

okay so on to saturday- i got up at 11- got ready to go when my mom called me and told me she was taking me out to lunch- fabulous again! so her and i made a few stops at random stores- target, kohls, millions of gas stations looking for salt- i swear all the salt was gone! it was like people thought the end of the world was near and they needed to bulk up on all supplies- but come on people, salt? i know it was supposed to storm but we all know how accurate the weather people are. so we looked for salt- found salt- then went to lunch at atlanta bread company- very good chicken salad- even better smoothies- mmmmm smoothie. i then came home carrying my treasures in tow- when i say treasures i mean my new board game- cranium. this game is absolutely fantastic. hubby was wanting it for awhile so i decided to surprise him with it :0) we took it over to my cousins house that night and played it until 1am- great fun with the fam!

then on sunday hubby and i slept in until 1030 and then decided to get a move on- numerous errands later we finally came back home to make a taco dinner for my mom. we had a really great time. i even made delicious strawberry mini cheesecakes- they were to die for! i was really surprised since this was my first attempt at cheesecake. i feel like there was always a cook in me just dying to get out. i love cooking- hopefully this break from school will give me some time to not only cook, catch up on my reading- thus helping me to actually attend my book club meeting- and of course blog more for you lovely people :0)

oh! and that presentation for my theology class? i got an A!!!!!

today marks the start of finals week- i have my theology final today, philosophy and ceramics finals tomorrow, and my astronomy final on Wednesday- wish me luck!!!! i will post my grades when they arrive- i can't wait to see how this semester turned out- i am really hoping i did well! i am a little nervous but feel like the hard work will pay off!

again my break is almost over- this is my last week working at 6am- i am sooooo relieved- i don't think i can do 6am ever, ever again!


Tasha said...

Hiya Harmony! Congratulations on the great grade! I don't think I could ever work at 6am. Waking up at 6am is bad enough for me. And yes, you were right about that being my blog!

sierra said...

I love "A Lot Like Love". It's so sweet. My favorite part is when he sings to her in the courtyard. Seriously, I could watch that movie over and over again and never get sick of it. :)

Sounds like a great weekend. Congrats on almost being done!