Friday, December 28, 2007

a lot to do- no time to do it

so today is crazy- i mean crazy! i woke up at 5:30am so i could make it to work at 6:00am- i can't tell you how many times i thought about pushing the snooze and walking into work late- no one would notice so i felt this would have been acceptable- but i dragged myself out of bed and got going- how i still don't know.

i work until 2:3opm- then i am going to embi's wedding- it starts at 2 so i won't make the ceremony (which i 'm sad about) but i will make it just in time for the dinner at 4. i was supposed to have a date for this wedding (obviously hubby- "D")- but he neglected to take off of work at 2- even though i told him about this wedding 3 months ago and rsvp'd for two dinners already. i feel really bad too because i know what it's like for people to say they are bringing people- you include them in your count and then they don't show- lets just say i will be eating two plates of chicken and steak combo with sides dishes- the electric slide won't be so electric with such a full stomach :0(

did i mention the wedding is about 40 minutes away and i have no idea how to get to hartland? yea- i don't do well when i get lost- i panic, freeze, and get overly emotional and irrational- so i'm hoping i just find the place with the mapquest directions and call it a day- i also hope i find my way home!

besides my crazy day today tomorrow morning i am waking up at 9am- totally unusual for me seeing as it is a saturday! i am helping my girlfriend and her husband move into their new home! i am soooo excited for them- a home of your own is unlike anything you will ever own- it is truly yours- and it feels like home, ya know? even though D and i don't own a home yet we are looking to buy one within this year- we just have to do some important bill cleaning first- my advice? don't ever, ever, under any circumstances open up a credit card just to buy something you need for a wedding, school, or anything else- there are always other options- if you have the money- buy it- if not- don't!!!!! we will be paying for that mistake for quite a while!

well again my break at work is almost over- friday is slowly creeping by- and i can't wait until sunday comes- a little bit of relaxation and then it's back to family time with D's parents- which i have to say i am not really wanting to do right now- i am too tired and frankly want some time to myself- in my apartment- doing what i want to do

sorry this post is whiney- i promise i will keep these kinds of posts to a minimum!

on the upside i may be going to Tangerine tomorrow night- which could be really fun! hopefully there is no cover and there is a drink special that is fabulous :0)

i hope everyone had an awesome christmas! i have to say i did despite my previous reservations about xmas- it was actually a wonderful holiday :0)

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