Monday, January 28, 2008

started out good, went to bad, and then got better

so today started out good (see post above) i went to school- loved, and i mean loved my first class- fiber fabrics. This class rocks! we did wool dying today which was awesome! we died our own wool! i have never done much with wool or felting for that matter so i am psyched for wednesdays class! oooh! I found the perfect gift for petra (one of my best friends babies- so cute- i love her to bits!) that i can make myself!

aren't these just the damn cutest booties you have ever seen for a baby? absolutely adorable! and i can felt them myself! i am so excited! last semester in ceramics i made petra pig tiles- they were small square tiles- i made her two of them and then attached them to a nice blue wood antique looking frame- nada says she just loves them and looks at them all the time! am i the best auntie harmony ever or what? :0)

so after that class i went to psych- which i was totally prepared for- book in hand, notecards with both of my questions and of course my notebook with lots of notes i had taken while reading- i never do that! :0)

then it was lunch- salad and a taco- usually i man the taco bar- i love thy taco bar- but i only had one which i am proud of- i want to try to start eating healthier so i decided i could do without another taco and simply go for a larger salad. it was a good choice- salad is delicious and it actually filled me up so i was good to go.

finally the last class of the day was my fieldwork art therapy class- which was awesome because i had not had that class yet. we shared some stories about our vacations, did a group centering (where we introduce ourselves and tell everyone why we are there) and then we read through the syllabus- piece of cake! we were out of there by 4:15

then it began......i got to my car and decided i had plenty of time to drive home before work- so i got home, got out of the car and stepped in a huge and i mean huge pile of slush/dirt/cold water/unrecognizable slime- ewwww. i was pretty saddened by this but decided not to let it get me down- after all it was kind of funny when you think about it- i mean who does that?

then i got inside- changed into my work clothes and decided to count my money for the week- yea, i have a $20 that will last me for gas, food...wait, where the 20? i know i had a 20! WHERE IS THE 20??!?!?!?!?!!?
yep- you guessed it - i had lost the 20 dollars. so i did the only rational thing i could think of- tear apart my school bag, purse, bedroom, car and living room to find it- you would swear i was looking for a fix or something! absolutely insane- did i find it? no, definately not. so i call D at work- cry about how i lost my 20 dollars ( it must be that time of the month i swear to god i have never felt so emotional- but hey, 20 dollars is a lot of money!)

i then went to work- tons of shit in my inbox- what a great night this will be!

i randomly picked a stupid fight with hubby and instantly regretted it when i hung up- sometimes i just don't channel my feelings well- within minutes i had texted a make up text and all was good- but still- why did i have to do that?

so by now your probably thinking- did anything go right with this girl? is this whole blog post going to be about complaining? the answer? no! i got home, calmed down- turned on the tv to my favorite show- anthony bourdain and decided to make some ramen. as i walk into the kitchen i see a crisp 20 dollar bill sitting in the cat's water bowl- i ran at that water bowl like i was in the middle of the sahara dessert with nothing to drink. the cat looked at me- meowed at me- wondered- "what the hell is she doing?" but i had found it! wet, but still good!

so as you can all see- the day began good, started going south- and then we were back on track!

well i better get a move on my homework- all while making potatoes for a work party, doing the laundry, and spending quality time with D- trust me people i am a seasoned pro at this- it will all get done- or i will have one hell of a fun time procrastinating while i don't do it :0)


jenn said...

I am sad to say that I pick fights too. Then i feel really bad :( That show is awesome, I have a little (huge) crush on him..haha.

Anonymous said...

Wow...should i get you a light box for valentines day? Haaaaaaa. Actually, may be if I get a light box we could share it.

Miss Sass said...

Hey, can't wait to hang out on Thursday!!! I really could use a girls day. :)